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Nintendo wii?

Inviato: 22 settembre 2011, 4:16
da bcunty
okay man the BEST thing todo would to wait something you might not wanna do but your going to wish you would have done if you don't... the thing about systems coming out are bugs, like xbox360 catching peoples carpets on fire and bookshelves where ever the had them... PS3 had extreme issues i hope they fixed with over heating like your laptop if you have one.... you know how it gets reallllllllly hot and the fan turns on, thts your processor getting hot and the fan cooling it off and if youve notice its really hot... well imagine that 8x's hotter since the ps3 has like four processors but anyways back on subject!!! there could be problems with over heating disc reading issue etc. so its best to wait the first few waves of release... implus you might wanna wait till the other colors come out cause i mean a white system feels kind of weak no offense... like a xbox360... its white, its plain, its boring... the wii its white still sexcy of course but would look better in black :)
but to answer your question
probally feburary or march and remember dude
"Wii run this"
