Aggiornamento alla versione 1.01 per il 3DMark 11!

futuremarkIn data odierna, Futuremark ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento alla “versione 1.01” per il 3DMark 11.

Il 3DMark 11 è un benchmark sintetico sviluppato per valutare le prestazioni delle schede video. Il numero 11 indicare il supporto alle librerie DirectX 11.


L’update alla versione 1.01, deve essere installato dopo aver scaricato e installato la versione 1.0 del benchmark.

All’interno di 3DMark 11 ci sono sei scenari di test tutti nuovi e variegati, che permettono di testare in maniera approfndita le schede video di ultima generazione.

3DMark 11 version 1.01 release notes:

All Editions:

Fixed an issue with SystemInfo that prevented the Physics and Combined tests from running.

Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if the DirectX 11 API or .NET was not available.

Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if the number of system GPUs was unknown.

Letterboxing and scaling now works with wide displays.

The benchmark UI is now minimized during the benchmark run.

Improved result security when submitting to

Added automatic update notification.

Updated SystemInfo component to version

Advanced and Professional Edition only:

Added option for manual GPU Count selection to the Advanced tab.

Added Scaling Mode selection to the Advanced tab, choose from centred or stretched.

Results tab now shows the individual scores for each of the six tests.

Professional Edition only:

      Demo audio now works when running from the command line.

      Image Quality tool now handles unexpected parameters correctly.

      Image Quality tool now works correctly with the reference rasterizer option.


      3DMark 11 versione 1.01

      Fonte: Futuremark

      Consigliamo caldamente di aggiornare il benchmark 3DMark 11 con l’ultima versione.


      A. Delli Santi – djlegend – HW Legend Staff


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